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Goals for 2019

The goal for 2019 of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for the Northern Jurisdiction USA, is to further expand on the development of Freemasonry. This will be achieved by enrollment of good individuals of outstanding moral character. They will begin their journey's after receiving the the degree of Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret 32º. For those in possession of said degree, and by vote of the Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction; Said individual will be elevated to the 33º and Last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Cerneau Rite of 1804 for the Northern Jurisdiction of the USA.


The Standard of the Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret 32º


The Cross of Loraine for Sovereign Grand Inspector's General of the 33º and Last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite

Goals for 2019: Members

©2019 Ancient and Accepted Scottish Cerneau Rite - 1804 Northern Jurisdiction USA.

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