Ancient and Accepted Scottish Cerneau Rite - 1804 Northern Jurisdiction United States of America, It's Territories and Dependencies.
A Message From Our
Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander
It is truly a privilege to lead an Organization of individuals with differing interests and passions united by common values. I am proud to be the head of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Cerneau Rite - 1804 Northern Jurisdiction USA, and am eager to see what this year has in store for us. I invite you to take some time to explore our website and get to know our exceptional Fraternity of brotherhood. Note: Please forgive our appearance during construction.
Fraternally Yours,
Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander:. Bishop:. Shawn Ferguson 33º
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Cerneau Rite - 1804 Northern Jurisdiction USA
Contact Us
If you’d like to learn more about the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Cerneau Rite - 1804 Northern Jurisdiction USA, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We would be more than happy to answer any questions, comments or concerns.
2446 Grandview Ave
Reading, Pennsylvania 19606